So It's Been A Year...
One year on…
It’s been a year of change
You know what’s weird, everyone hated 2020, but I had a pretty good year. I went from not being in the beer industry to having a cool job in it. I went from a photography novice to being a photo phella. I went from 29 years old to three decades! 2020 was good to me. Yeah, COVID and the pandemic sucks, it’s been over a year since I’ve been back to see my folks, even longer since I’ve seen my grandparents, but that pales in comparison to many people’s lot in life. I’ve kept weird schedules, seen the sun rise and fall below the horizon many times, and even biked over 100 miles. These are all good things!
That beer job…
He loves beer too!
Woosh! (Sometimes “CRASH!”)
Last February, I started what I hope is a long journey in the land of beer. Entered the year as someone who’s home brewed beer, someone who’s visited breweries, and even as someone who’s done research in the industry. In no sense of the word was I a (beer) novice, but let me tell you, the Ethan of 1 year ago barely knew anything! The Ethan of right now still barely knows anything. In the past year, I’ve learned what it takes to put beer in a bottle at speeds that would make you dizzy! I’ve seen how how hard it is to keep this all running at peak speed. Even in my current role, there are times things come to a grinding halt, sometimes with a “woosh” and a “crash!” Such is beer.
This beer beer adventure has seen me become a Certified Beer Server and I’m working towards my Certified Cicerone credential. I’ve gotten back to home brewing, but this time, it’s been at work (using our awesome brew rig). One of the coolest things I’ve gotten to do is brew 10 gallons next to an 800 BBL brew kettle. Try that for a sense of scale and to keep you humble!
In the last few months, I’ve also had the chance to see the innovation process unfold. I’ve gotten to see ideas on paper turn into investment and jump into this world. Some of these beverages aren’t long for this world, while others will become someone’s go to, and that’s kinda cool!
I’ve been to a few spots this past year! Like San Diego
And Zion
And even my own neighborhood!