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My Trip to Brooklyn and Nashville

How’s beer different on the coast vs. the middle of the country


Putting my game-face on!

Putting my game-face on!

I made the trip to NYC to record a podcast (Beer Sessions Radio) with Jimmy Carbone and the Heritage Radio Network.  We were discussing my beer research, where I was looking into how consumers select the beers and breweries they support in the LA area.  This is an interesting question since these consumers have so many more choices now then even just a few years ago, and the way they choose can have a huge impact on a brewery’s success or failure.

After hopping off the plane and making it into Brooklyn, I fought through the rain to find my way to some Brooklyn Pizza.  Eating NYC Pizza spoils the rest of the country’s pizza with its deliciousness.  After strolling the neighborhood, it was time to podcast!

The podcast focused on several topics, from how breweries communicate to their customers, what beverage trends are affecting brewers and drinkers, how these trends vary in different parts of the country, and even some business terms such as ‘mobility gap.’  In future posts, I plan to explain business concepts and terms as they relate to breweries, so stay tuned!  What I’ll get into in my next post is how the beer menus are different in Nashville vs. NYC and LA

Before hopping over to Nashville, my plane had a long delay.  The silver lining was the pilot let us come up and check out the cockpit!
