Let Me Tell You About the Beers and the Bees

Taking pictures can be fun! I enjoy bringing some beers with me to see how I can pair them with the world. The best part of this is when you’re done (or when the ground decides it’s time to shotgun) you have a delicious beverage as a reward!

I offered to tell you about the beers and the bees, so here goes. When a man loves a beverage very much, sometimes he will walk in excess of 5 miles to be alone with this beverage. He’ll even brave insect venom, like bee stings, to get some cool shots. Afterwards, he’ll feel compelled try to capture some photos of the offending insect, because who can be mad at such a beautiful and vital pollinator?

Here’s a beer

What a fitting beer for a morning on the trail!

What a fitting beer for a morning on the trail!

And here’s a bee

This little guy was fast, good thing my shutter is faster!

This little guy was fast, good thing my shutter is faster!

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